Friday, June 19, 2009

Eric Suher's Magic Memory Eraser

So in typical Eric Suher fashion, a soft news release went out from his IHEG headquarters this week announcing the first act to play Mountain Park would be the Decemberists. Bravo. I would've thought NRBQ, but I guess I'm relying upon my false memory that Eric was their merch guy. "No comment," is the comment du jour when Suher is asked about his development plans. "No comment," is the answer to everything when baiting the media to do his bidding. And we love it. Isn't that Eric Suher something? Man, he's got chutzpa! Why, he has no permits and hasn't satisfied any of the environmental and zoning issues, but the show will go on! In an article in the Gazette this week, Suher was quoted quipping to Holyoke's Mayor Michael J. Sullivan, "Don't worry about it--I'll get those permits." Wink, wink. In other words, "what permits?" Forget about it.

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