Monday, October 22, 2007

Natural Election

Months ago the Springfield Republican quoted Mayor Mike Bissonnette of Chicopee remarking on his re-election bid, "It's gratifying not to have opposition," adding "I'm grateful to people who continue to show their trust in me." While I gleefully concur with Hizzoner on his astute observation, he apparently is anti-democratic and an egotist. Leading a politically charmed life, Bissonnette really hasn't earned the gratitude of his minions. His first opponent before he was elected in 2005 was brought down by avarice and greed (and a great campaign slogan "what--no envelope?") just in the nick of time. Months ago, Bissonnette hemmed and hawed about running for office when a few opposition names were bandied about. His courage was summoned up when no opposition was apparent. This is Chicopee. Keep that in mind. You have to be an imbecile or an egotist to run for Mayor (with the exception of former Mayor, Richard Kos). Pulling rabbits out of a hat is better trick than cutting ribbons at the next Dollar store opening. In the two years of the current administration, not very many of Bissonnette's lofty plans has come to fruition. The Bosch-to-the-Bridge musical has yet to play at a theater near you (oh sorry, the Rivoli is closed for good), and casino gambling will never pass. Even the historically challenged voters of Chicopee see this pipe dream (or nightmare) for what it is: bread and circus for no one.

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