Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I hate dogs

Recently, my daughter and I spent a morning at a horse show in Southampton, MA at King Oak Farm. To break things up from the horse trials and competitions,they held a dog show. Any dog could enter, and no special skills were required. My daughter took this picture. She's in love with taking pictures and steals my camera often. I will find hundreds of pictures of nothing after she's done with the camera. Often the pictures are pretty good.

1 comment: said...

i like dogs, i suppose. it's their owners that i dislike. i don't have a dog. and i don't have anything against dog fighting as a sport. i saw an interview with the woman who is turning the former gentlemen's club in ludlow into a dog hotel. if her brain was removed, stored in formaldehyde and put on auction, i would probably bid on it. owning her pickled brain would be a constant comfort knowing that it was not still in her head.